PSHE, safeguarding and personal development curriculum
At Beaumont Primary Academy, personal, social and health education (PSHE) enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of a society who are always ready for the next step in their life and to play a positive part in their community. It aims to help them understand themselves, how they are developing personally and socially, and addresses many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.
Our safeguarding curriculum reflects the needs of our children within the context of our community.
contextual safeguarding through the curriculum.pdf
As a ’Rights Respecting School’, we actively promote the rights enshrined in the UN convention. These rights underpin and our school behaviour policy so children take ownership of their learning and their behaviour. The children in each class decide on their own class charter, which is then used throughout the year to promote positive healthy learning behaviours. We provide our children with opportunities to learn about rights and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
Intention 1: To deliver a PSHE curriculum, in line with National Curriculum requirements, which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and understanding. This will enable children to successfully access the wider curriculum and to be prepared to be responsible, positive global citizen now and in their future roles within a global community. Children will know more, remember more and understand more. Our PSHE curriculum is a spiral design such that themes, issues and concepts are revisited each year and knowledge skills and understanding are built on year on year. We follow the SCARF scheme to ensure coverage of the statutory requirements. However, our curriculum reflects our children’s needs. It responds directly to our school context and, as well as being thorough, is flexible and tailored to our children’s needs, taking into account pupil, parent and staff voice.
We provide a balanced and broadly-based curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, awareness and, mental and physical development of pupils preparing them for the opportunities and responsibilities and experiences in later life.
Intention 2: To build a PSHE curriculum that incorporates the understanding of RSE so that children know more, remember more and understand more about relationships. As a result children will know how to be safe and to understand and develop healthy relationships both now and in their future lives. To develop, and resource, an RSE programme of work within the PSHE curriculum which enables pupils to explore the complexity of the relationships they will have both now and throughout their lives. The SCARF scheme planning and resources support this and we select carefully what is appropriate and pertinent to our children.
Clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum. Weekly PSHE lessons are delivered in all classes. Online safety is taught within computing and is supported by regular Natterhub lessons from year 1 to year 6. The PSHE curriculum has three core learning themes: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world. It also incorporates the RSE policy and identifies links to British Values, Cultural Capital, SMSC and schools Key skills into the curriculum.
The key PSHE themes are covered by the SCARF planning resources. The SCARF concepts of Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship, which underpin all its content, align strongly with the UNCRC articles. The whole-school SCARF toolkit supports schools in creating and maintaining an environment where the rights of the child are promoted, realised and protected.
Personal development displays throughout school focus on key aspects of PSHE, British Values and SMSC, which enables pupils to make links across the wider curriculum. Within the wider curriculum all subjects make a link back to PD, PSHE, British Values, SMSC with consistent language used by all staff. Whole school, Key Stage and class assemblies always make a link to PSHE, British Values and aspects of SMSC.
Clear and comprehensive RSE scheme of work is taught within PSHE in line with the new recommendations of teaching RSE in National Curriculum (Feb 2019). The teaching and learning of RSE is planned explicitly within each year group so that children know more, remember more and understand more. RSE programme of work is explicitly resourced. Children will become more aware of RSE and know the purpose of it. Parents are informed of the content of the RSE programme of work planned information sessions, and further support / clarification will be given if required.
Children sense of citizenship and their understanding of community, is developed through student roles across school. We have a right respecting school council that has representatives from all classes. There is a team of year 5 and 6 children who are our ‘Beaumont Buddies, trained in ways to listen to others and offer advice or pass on concerns to welfare team. We also have Reading ambassadors to encourage love of reader through school. Play leaders help at playtimes and lunchtimes to lead games and encourage cooperative play. Our Forest rangers help keep the outside areas tidy and encourage other children to appreciate and look after the environment. We have a range of other jobs in class and around school. that children take turns to do throughout the week. All these roles and responsibilities contribute to the Personal development offer at Beaumont.
Children will know more and remember more about PSHE. This is achieved through high expectations, building on prior knowledge and regular feedback, responding to children’s needs.
Children will develop positive and healthy relationship with their peers both now and in the future. Children will understand the physical aspects involved in RSE at an age appropriate level. Children will have respect for themselves and others. Children will have positive body images.
Children will know more and understand more about the importance of online safety and the impact of technology on them now and in their future. They will know how to make informed, healthy decision including when to say no, when to stop and how and who to ask for help when they are not safe.
Children will recognise and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and Liberty. Children will demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school – attendance will be at least in-line with national and behaviour will be good. The large majority of children will achieve age related expectations across the wider curriculum in addition to the core subjects. They develop an ambitious, motivated outlook on life, high self esteem and a belief in their ability to achieve and have a place in the global community. We help our children to be aspirational and teach them the steps they need to reach their goals.
Take a look at Personal Development at Beaumont
personal development at beaumont primary showcase.pdf
PSHE Overview
SCARF Progression maps
scarf medium term plan new format v3 1 new.pdf