How to become a Local Academy Board Member
Beaumont Primary Academy is part of the South Pennine Academies trust. The Trust’s Members, the Board of Trustees, and the Local Academy Boards all play a vital role in the governance of South Pennine Academies. The Board of Trustees provides the strategic direction for the Trust as a whole and offers invaluable support, insight and challenge to the executive team and senior leaders across the Trust. The Board is responsible and accountable for all the academies within the Trust and oversees the financial performance of the Trust and its academies.
The Board of Trustees delegates some of its responsibilities to Local Academy Boards who work closely with the academy principals and provide support and challenge to academy senior leadership.
The Local Academy Board for Beaumont Primary Academy is made up of members are from the community and are appointed by the Board of Trustees, elected by the Academy’s parents/carers or by the Academy’s staff. The Local Academy Board plays an important role in steering our Academy and Trust strategies to ensure outcomes and success for our students.
Local Academy Board members do not require qualifications and need not be experts in the field of education. However, they do need a desire to get involved and to be ambitious for the Academy and its students. They will need to be willing to learn, to build relationships and work as part of a team. It is expected that all members will play a full part in the work of the local academy board by:
· attending local academy board meetings (four per year and usually held after school or early evening), making connections between different types of information, taking part in discussions and asking questions which make people reflect
· visiting the Academy during the school day in order to build up a knowledge of the Academy
· sitting on staffing and student discipline panels from time to time.
If you are interested in becoming a Local Academy Board member, please write to the Chair of the Local Academy Board at the Academy address.
Before you put yourself forward, please talk to your employer. Many employers recognise the role as useful work experience and may offer you leave for your duties in order to give back to the community.